Saturday, January 12, 2008

Bidding for Internet connection transferred to SUCs

CICT will no longer do the bidding for the Internet connection of the recipient schools. This activity has been transferred to the respective SUCs because of various concerns raised by the Project Managers particularly the problem of having a single provider to cover all the schools.

After several revisions, the final MOA for the Internet connection transaction has been posted for signing. Provisions of the MOA include 1) Broadband connection to the wireless Internet laboratory of the recipient public high school will be paid by the project for the first 12
months of operations. The desired bandwidth should at least measure 1 Mbps burstible with a committed information rate (CIR) of 1:4, a specified amount of bandwidth on frame relay service, or whatever is applicable to the area; and 2) The public high school must also secure a Domain Name System (DNS), registering under the EDU.PH domain that will serve as their
global identity and for the use of the Project Monitoring & Evaluation Information System (PMEIS).

ISPSC is responsible for the Internet connection of 9 recipient schools in La Union, Ilocos Sur, Abra and Ilocos Norte, with a total budget of Php 611,424.00 as stipulated in the MOA. ISPSC is responsible for 1) the conduct of necessary assessment and evaluation for the most reliable
Internet Service Provider (ISP) within the area; 2) ensure that the assigned public high schools will get the most reliable and cost efficient ISP, and ensure that the Internet connection is
properly working as stipulated in the Agreement between the Internet provider and the school; 3) provide technical assistance to the assigned public high schools insecuring and registering their DNS; and 4) ensure that the public high school will be able to produce their school/community website that is UN-ASPA Level One compliant, one month after attendance to the website development training. This website shall then serve as the school’s global identity, thus maximizing the potential of their DNS.

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