Saturday, January 12, 2008


Finally, the much awaited deployment of computer hardware for the iSchools has come. CICT has posted the tentative deployment schedule, and every recipient school is very eager to receive their set of computers.

Prior to the deployment, the computer laboratory must be ready with the prescribed layout. The recipient schools must also finalize their respective MOAs ready for signing.

The tentative schedule is from February 4 - 16, 2008. The details will be worked out by the SUC project managers during the Midstream Planning Conference on the last week of January.

After the deployment of the equipment, the rollout of the different teachers' trainings will follow. The schedule will also be worked out during the Midstream Planning Conference.

The 12 recipient schools of ISPSC are very eager to receive their equipments. They have prepared their respective computer laboratories since November last year. Some of the principals are losing hope that the project will push through, or are getting disappointed that their preparations will be in vain. But this time its for real. Each schools will be receiving 1 server, 20 works stations, 1 LCD projector, 1 multi-purpose printer, and wireless LAN. Add to that 2 airconditioning units.

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